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Geoscience BC and Tuya Terra GeoCorp invite community staff and interested community representatives to join us for the following upcoming event.


We will be hosting:


a 1-day workshop in Agassiz, BC (near Harrison Hot Springs) on November 24, 2016, 9:30am to 5:00pm.

click for AGENDA


The focus will be to learn about how your community can benefit from Direct-use Geothermal Resources in BC. Targeted community members include those with a background or interest in community economic development, community planning, and environmental/resource/land-use/energy/sustainability management.


Cost: FREE. Lunch provided. Space is limited. Registration required.


This workshop and seminar will include topics such as:

  • introductory background on geothermal energy for Direct-use heat applications

  • the technical steps for evaluation and development of a Direct-use Geothermal project

  • the difference between Direct-use and GeoExchange (ground-source heat pumps)

  • economic and environmental considerations

  • case studies

  • possible funding avenues for communities to carry out assessment and feasibility studies



During 2015 - 2016, Geoscience BC funded two projects to assess the Province’s potential for the use of geothermal waters.  British Columbia has many known hotsprings and some fabulous resorts to enjoy these naturally heated waters. These waters have a wide variety of uses especially lower temperature fluids that are 80°C or less.  Waters with these temperatures can be used for a variety of purposes; from greenhouses to produce drying to space heating.  Their use can have a beneficial impact on communities both from an economic perspective as well as in reducing a community’s carbon footprint. They are more abundant and easier to explore for than higher temperature thermal waters, and projects have lower financial costs. 
The Government of British Columbia would like to encourage more communities to consider development of this naturally occurring resource for economic gain and to lower greenhouse gas emissions.  They are funding this project that will bridge the knowledge gap for communities, helping them to better understand the resource and how to utilize it. 


Cost: FREE. Lunch provided. Space is limited. Registration required.


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